Company Secretarial Services Package in Singapore
Free 1st Year
AI Accountant

Company Secretary Package starts

What you stand to gain includes:

  • Preparation of Annual General Meeting minutes
  • Corporate Service Provider will act as the named Corporate Secretary
  • Maintenance of electronic minutes and register of books
  • Regular supervision to guarantee compliance with Singapore’s general laws and regulations, especially the Companies Act and Income Tax Act
  • Submission of annual returns and XBRL delivery to ACRA.

* Generally, Corporate Service Provider named secretary will not involve in your business operation and sign any resolution or documents. In the event you have single director and their signature is needed, we can resign as the named secretary temporarily so you may proceed to sign the documents without the corporate secretary.

Chai Chung Hoong, Account Manager of AI Accountant will assist you in Corporate Secretarial Services Singapore.

Fee for Non-Routine Company Secretarial Services Singapore

Packages Available

Approval of Director Fees (EGM)
Appointment of Auditor
Change in Auditor
Updating of Directors’ Particulars with ACRA
Change in Bank Signatory
Preparation of resolution for Opening a Bank Account
Preparation of resolution for Closing a Bank Account
Preparation of resolution for Declaration of Dividend
Change of Business Activities
Change in Secretary
Change in Where Register Member Kept
Change in Registered Address
Change in Directorship
Change in Financial Year End
Resolution for Purchase of Property
Incoming and Outgoing Transfer of Ordinary Shares for an individual (this will contain a Share Certificate)
Allotment of Ordinary Shares in cash (includes Share Certificate)
Update of paid-up capital (includes Share Certificate)
Change in Company Name
Change in Constitution (EGM is required)
Communication with auditor during annual audit season on clerical accounts or records
Purchase of update business profile
Purchase of electronic of certificate of incorporation from ACRA
Extension of AGM deadline for 2 months
Access to the register book in ACRA
Registration of alternate address for each officer
Out-going for signing of documents / bank resolution by Company Secretary
Signing of bank resolutions or other documents (in Corporate Service Provider office)

***For the Company with more than 5 directors / shareholders, extra charge apply for the annual corporate secretarial services Singapore ***
***Please note that all the above company secretarial services Singapore does NOT including stamping fees or penalty ***

Corporate Secretarial Services In Singapore

If you are operating a company in Singapore, then you will know that you are required by the Singapore Companies Act to appoint a Company Secretary within the first six months of your company’s incorporation period. The Company Secretary which you appoint must be a Singapore resident (who is either a citizen or PR holder) or a holder of any of the Singapore work visas, including Employment Pass, and EntrePass. The appointed individual is also required to have a sound and in depth knowledge about the Companies Act.

What Will the Company Secretary Do?

The appointed Company Secretary will be responsible for a range of activities happening within the company, which include the following:

Handling Board Meetings

This involves attending meetings to take down the minutes of the meeting, ensuring correct procedures are adhered to, maintaining the minute books, formulating agendas with the Chairman, coordinating the company’s formal decision making and reporting process and certifying copies of the minutes.

Handling General Meetings

This includes ensuring correct procedures are adhered to, coordinating the administration, attending meetings, taking down the minutes of the meetings, and obtaining internal and external agreements for all documentation.

Handling Statutory Books and Registers

The Company Secretary is required to keep and maintain the statutory registers of the company.

Handling Statutory Returns

The Company Secretary is required to update ACRA on any company matters pertaining to the running of the business.

Handling the Company’s Constitution

This includes drafting and incorporating amendments according to the proper procedure required, and ensuring that the company complies with the constitution.

Other duties of the Company Secretary include:

  • Maintaining the company’s register of members
  • Handling the company’s report and accounts
  • Managing shareholder communication
  • Monitoring the shareholders
  • Handling the share and capital issues, transfers and restructuring of the company
  • Managing the acquisitions and disposals
  • Handling corporate governance
  • Acting as a channel of communication and information for the company’s non-executive directors
  • Ensuring proper use of the company seal is observed
Corporate Secretarial Services In Singapore

Why AI Accountants Is Your

Number One Choice of Company Secretary?

As you can see, the duties and responsibilities of a Company Secretary and extensive, and you need to ensure your company is in capable hands by appointing the right individual or professional service to manage your company’s corporate secretarial duties.

AI Accountant is the preferred choice because the community of professionals are highly qualified and extensively experienced to handle your company secretarial matters. At AI Accountant, we ensure that the client is well taken care of and always compliant of the statutory requirements.

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As the leading digital accounting community in Singapore, clients are guaranteed that the services are top notch, yet cost effective. AI Accountant’s revolutionary technology helps SMEs save cost and do business in Singapore through technology automation made possible by artificial intelligence. The future lies in the digital space, and AI Accountant is not just part of the technological revolution, we are the revolution.

Need assistance to engage a Corporate Service Provider that you can appoint as your trusted Company Secretary and engage the company secretarial services in Singapore? Contact Us today to find out more about how AI Accountant community can make a difference in your business.

AI Accountant - Chai Chung Hoong
Chai Chung Hoong, Account Manager

Chai Chung Hoong will assist you in all accounting related services, and help your company in digital transformation.

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