What Are The Duties of a Confidential Secretary in Singapore

What Are The Duties of a Confidential Secretary in Singapore

The Job Description: Identifying the Duties of a Confidential Secretary in Singapore

What Are The Duties of a Confidential Secretary in SingaporeA confidential secretary is one among the various types of secretaries. As their name suggests, they are the ones who prepare and handle confidential reports and documents. Apart from that, they also help the office with other secretarial jobs as necessary. This article tries to cover all the duties of a confidential secretary in a Singapore Company.


Primary Duty of a Confidential Secretary

A company produces much sensitive information in the form of reports or documents, which are of the utmost necessity. They might be some secret business deals or personal information which should not leak out of the company. The primary duty of confidential security is to prepare, handle, and keep documents and reports only accessible to the higher level of the company. These reports consist of secret data which are needed for the company to run or grow. They actually manage the reports and guard them, so, a confidential secretary must be able to keep secrets. Apart from that, other characteristics of the confidential secretary are outgoing, friendly, and knowledgeable. Here is more about the qualities of a good secretary.

Adding on to that, the duties of a confidential secretary also include the common secretarial responsibilities like document management, scheduling, meeting organizations, etc. Confidential secretaries are high-level secretaries of the company. Naturally, they are close to the director or the owner, and their job is more complicated when compared to the general secretary. Some companies also tend to give the role of their confidential secretary to their executive secretary.

What Are The Duties of a Confidential Secretary in Singapore


Confidential Secretary Requirements In Singapore

If you are willing to hire a confidential secretary, you have to see if these requirements have been fulfilled in the confidential secretary resume provided to you by applicants.

  • The applicant is a natural person and should be residing in Singapore.
  • The applicant can be an ordinary Singapore citizen (a Singapore citizen, permanent resident or sometimes, an employment pass)
  • As a confidential secretary will also be liable for what the other secretaries are, they should have enough knowledge of the organization structure and legality, etc.
  • Remember that you cannot be the sole director and the secretary in a Singapore office. This is true not only for a confidential secretary but also for any other secretaries you want to hire in Singapore.


A confidential secretary is a role that must be fulfilled if the company is one that has grown in its sights. An ordinary person can’t handle the duties of a confidential secretary. Therefore, you will need to hire a qualified individual for this job. Contact us; we are a corporate secretarial service provider in Singapore. We have had immense experiences working with corporates in the city-state and are willing to help you.

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