Being a Sole Director and Company Secretary at the Same Time
One of the frequently asked questions, many of our clients have been enquiring us if a person can be a sole director and company secretary at the same time. So, we decided to dedicate an entire article to the answer. The answer is no; you cannot be a sole director and company secretary in Singapore. Director and the company secretary are different positions, so different people should be taking these roles. Many see this as a disadvantage, but to be frank, this one rule can help companies grow a lot.
A Singapore company, of course, must have a director and also a secretary. Also, both the directors and secretaries have different responsibilities to look after which are necessary for a company to survive. Work done by both the secretary and the sole director is pervasive, so it might and will be complicated when a single person tries to accomplish everything. Thus, when the same person cannot be a sole director and company secretary in Singapore at the same time, the work is divided. More the people to work on it, better the results.
Who Can Be a Company Director in Singapore?
Here are the requirements for someone to the director of a company in Singapore.
- The individual should be a natural person.
- The individual should be 18 years or older.
- The person should have a good moral character and cannot have a criminal background.
- There should be at least one director for a company, and at least one of them should be residing in Singapore.
- As we said at least one director should be residing in Singapore, in case of a sole director, they should be a resident. (i.e., Someone with Singapore citizenship or Singapore permanent residence. In some cases, entrepass and employment pass holders could also be considered residents).
Who Can Be a Company Secretary in Singapore?
The requirements to become a company secretary in Singapore are more or less, the same as that of being a company director. (See also, qualification and qualities of company secretary in Singapore).
- The individual should be a natural person living in Singapore.
- They must be an ordinary Singapore citizen. For those with Singapore citizen or permanent residence, entrepass or employment holder passes are fine.
- The individual might be held liable if some process of the company doesn’t comply with the law.
- So, the should have sound knowledge of fulfilling the secretarial duties in Singapore.)
There should be at least one secretary, and they should be appointed within six months of the business incorporation.
Looking for Alternatives to Hiring Company Secretary?
What do you think about working with a corporate secretarial service in Singapore? They help you with all the secretarial needs of your company at a lower price than having to hire your own secretary. Sounds good, right? Well, then contact us, we have exactly what you need for your business/startup.
Chai Chung Hoong, Account Manager
Chai Chung Hoong will assist you in all accounting related services, and help your company in digital transformation.
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